Thornham (a full case history)

A Hydraulic Lime Rendering had been applied to the gable end of a cottage on the North Norfolk coast. The work had been left without a top coat or Lime Wash for two years, it had also been applied to EML (expanded metal lath) and had begun to fail. The only option was to remove the Render / EML, replacing it with Lime Putty render applied directly to the building substrate after rebuilding the damage to the Gable by dubbing out, adding pinnings and Lime pointing, followed by a Harling Coat.

A coarse mix of haired (horse and goat) Lime Putty Render was then applied in two coats followed by an un-haired, floated, Top Coat, carefully hydrated and protected until the Putty had completed its shrinkage.

The Lime rendering was then treated to five coats of white Lime washing, applied using traditional techniques.

The Render will continue to carbonate and harden for many months (at a rate of 1mm per month), giving a highly breathable, flexible and sympathetic protection to this exposed elevation of the cottage.